Lived Experience (Peer) Workforces

"Every major innovation in mental health in the last 20 years has been led by peers, starting with recovery and peer support which have been fundamental."

- Oryx Cohen (2019)

The Western Australian Lived Experience (Peer) Workforces Framework (Framework) supports individuals and organisations to build, develop and strengthen Lived Experience (Peer) Workforces in Western Australia.

This website will be continuously updated to include further information and resources relevant to the Framework.

The Mental Health Commission has worked closely with stakeholders to develop the Framework and extend a warm thank you to everyone who contributed their time and expertise, including the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Groups.

For further information about the Framework, contact:

Image Credit: John Walley – Walbrininy, 2018

John Walley, a descendant of the Whadjuk clan within Noongar Country, is a Perth based artist who works mainly with acrylic and experiments with earthy materials. The Mental Health Commission commissioned John to create a bespoke artwork for its 2018 – 2021 Conciliation Action Plan. The name of the artwork Walbrininy, means spiritual healing. The full artwork can be seen on page 2 of the Mental Health Commission Conciliation Action Plan on the Mental Health Commission webpage: